發布時間:2011-10-26 22:23:32    作者:    點擊:[]
姓名 鄧建新


出生年月 1966.08
學曆 博士研究生
學位 博士
專業技術職務及任導師情況  教授,博士研究生導師
所在一級學科名稱  機械工程
所在二級學科名稱  機械制造及其自動化






《International Journal of Machining and Machinability of Materials》編委;《摩擦學學報》編委;中國機械工程學會高級會員;《中國機械工程》特約審稿人;《International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture》、《International Journal of Mechanical Sciences》、《Materials Science Engineering A》、《Surface & Coatings Technology》等10多個國際期刊審稿人。




1990.07~1997.10:山東工業大學, 助教、講師、副教授

1997.10~1998.10:山東工業大學, 教授

1998.10~1999.10:香港: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 合作研究

2009.06~2009.12:美國: Kansas State University, 高級訪問學者

1999.11~至  今:山東大學, 博士導師

2010.01~至  今:山東大學, 二級崗位教授








1. 微池自潤滑幹切削刀具的研究,國家自然科學基金項目,2011-2013

2. 自潤滑和自冷卻雙重功能的幹切削刀具的基礎研究,教育部博士點基金項目,2012-2014

3. 山東省泰山學者特聘教授專項基金,2009-2014

4. 微池自潤滑幹切削刀具的設計理論及其應用研究,山東省傑出青年基金項目,2009-2012

5. 陶瓷噴嘴及其沖蝕磨損,企業課題,2011-2014



1. Deng Jianxin, Zhou Jiantou, Zhang Hui. Wear mechanisms of cemented carbide tools in dry cutting of precipitation hardening semi-austenitic stainless steels. Wear. 2011, 270: 520-527

2. Deng Jianxin, Song Wenlong, Zhang Hui. Friction and wear behaviors of the carbide tools embedded with solid lubricants in sliding wear tests and in dry cutting processes. Wear. 2011, 270: 666-674

3. Deng Jianxin, Wu Ze, Lian Yunsong. Performance of carbide tools with textured rake-face filled with solid lubricants in dry cutting processes. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials. 2012, 30: 164-172

4. Deng Jianxin, Duan Zhenxing. Fabrication and performance of Al2O3/(W,Ti)C+Al2O3/TiC multilayered ceramic cutting tools. Materials Science Engineering A. 2010, 527: 1039-1047

5. Deng Jianxin, Song Wenlong, Zhang Hui. Design, fabrication and properties of a new self-lubricated tool in dry cutting. International Journal of Machine Tool and Manufacture. 2009, 49 (1): 66-72

6. Deng Jianxin, Song Wenlong, Zhang Hui. Performance of PVD MoS2/Zr coated carbide in cutting processes. International Journal of Machine Tool and Manufacture. 2008, 48 (14): 1546-1552

7. Deng Jianxin, Li Yousheng, Song Wenlong. Diffusion wear in dry cutting of Ti-6Al-4V with WC/Co carbide tools. Wear. 2008, 265 (11-12): 1776-1783

8. Deng Jianxin, Liu Jianhua, Zhao Jinlong. Friction and wear behaviors of the PVD ZrN coated carbide in sliding wear tests and in machining processes. Wear. 2008, 264 (3-4): 298-307

9. Deng Jianxin, Wu Fengfang. Wear mechanisms of gradient ceramic nozzles in abrasive air-jet machining. International Journal of Machine Tool and Manufacture. 2007, 47 (12-13): 2031-2039

10. Deng Jianxin, Liu Lili, Ding Mingwei. Erosion wear behaviours of SiC/(W,Ti)C laminated ceramic nozzles in dry sand blasting processes. Materials Science Engineering A. 2007, 444 (1-2): 120-129

11. Deng Jianxin, Cao Tongkun, Ding Zeliang. Tribological behaviors of hot-pressed Al2O3/TiC ceramic composites with the additions of CaF2 solid lubricants. Journal of the European Ceramic Society. 2006, 26 (8): 1317-1323

12. Deng Jianxin, Ding Zeliang, Yuan Dongling. Erosion wear mechanisms of coal-water-slurry (CWS) ceramic nozzles in industry boilers. Materials Science Engineering A. 2006, 417 (1-2): 1-7

13. Deng Jianxin, Cao Tongkun. Self lubrication of sintered ceramic tools with CaF2 additions in dry cutting. International Journal of Machine Tool and Manufacture. 2006, 46 (9): 957-963

14. Deng Jianxin and Yang Xuefeng. Wear mechanisms of Al2O3/TiC/Mo/Ni ceramic wire-drawing dies. Materials Science Engineering A. 2006, 424 (1-2): 347-354

15. Deng Jianxin, Cao Tongkun, Liu Lili. Self-lubricating behaviors of Al2O3/TiB2 ceramic tools in dry high-speed machining of hardened steel. Journal of the European Ceramic Society. 2005, 25 (7): 1073-1079

16. Deng Jianxin, Liu Lili, Liu Jianhua. Failure mechanisms of TiB2 particle and SiC whisker reinforced Al2O3 ceramic cutting tools when machining nickel-based alloys. International Journal of Machine Tool and Manufacture. 2005, 45 (12-13): 1393-1401

17. Deng Jianxin. Erosion wear of boron carbide nozzles by abrasive air-jets. Materials Science Engineering A. 2005, 408 (1-2): 227-233

18. Deng Jianxin, Feng Yihua, Ding Zeliang. Wear behaviors of the ceramic nozzles in sand blasting treatments. Journal of the Euroepan Ceramic Society. 2003, 23 (2): 323-329

19. Deng Jianxin, Lee Taichiu. Ultrasonic machining of alumina based ceramic composites. Journal of the Euroepan Ceramic Society. 2002, 22 (8): 1235-1241

20. Deng Jianxin, Lee Taichiu. Effect of ultrasonic surface finishin g on thermal shock behaviour and the strength of EDMed ceramic composites. International Journal of Machine Tool and Manufacture. 2002, 42 (2): 245-250


1. 鄧建新著.《自潤滑刀具及其切削加工》. 北京:科學出版社出版, 2010

2. 鄧建新,丁澤良著.《陶瓷噴嘴及其沖蝕磨損》. 北京:科學出版社出版, 2009

3. 鄧建新,趙軍編著.《數控刀具材料選用手冊》. 北京:機械工業出版社, 2005

4. Deng Jianxin, J. Paulo Davim. 《Advances in cutting tool and its applications》專輯, International Journal of Machining and Machinability of Materials, 2006


1. 發明專利. TiZrN塗層刀具及其制備方法, 專利号ZL 2009 1 0014862.9

2. 發明專利.一種自潤滑陶瓷刀具材料, 專利号 ZL 2004 10024226.1

3. 發明專利.自潤滑複合軟塗層刀具及其制備方法, 專利号 ZL2006 10068975.3

4. 發明專利.一種多環槽陶瓷加工工具, 專利号 ZL 2004 10035790.3

5. 發明專利.一種梯度陶瓷水煤漿噴嘴的制備工藝, 專利号 ZL 2005 10042269.7

6. 發明專利.一種碳化硼陶瓷噴砂嘴材料, 專利号 ZL: 2005 10104519.5

7. 發明專利.一種陶瓷噴砂嘴制備工藝, 專利号 ZL 02 1 35599.1


1. 新型陶瓷噴嘴的研制開發及其沖蝕磨損機理研究,2004年獲教育部科技進步一等獎。

2. 基于切削可靠性的陶瓷刀具材料的設計與開發研究,2002年獲山東省自然科學二等獎。

3. 高性能長壽命陶瓷噴嘴關鍵技術的研究及其應用,2006年獲山東省技術發明二等獎。

4. 硼化钛增強陶瓷刀具及其摩擦磨損行為研究,1998年獲山東省科技進步二等獎。







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