發布時間:2017-11-12 22:54:12    作者:    點擊:[]
姓名 陳頌英


出生年月 1966.10
行政職務 所長
學曆 博士研究生 學位 博士
專業技術職務及任導師情況  教授,博士研究生導師
所在一級學科名稱  動力工程及工程熱物理
所在二級學科名稱  化工過程機械







1984.9—1988.7   浙江大學化工系畢業,獲化工機械及工業企業管理雙學士學位
1988.7—2000.9  山東工業大學環境與化學工程學院化工機械教研室  教師
2000.9—        欧宝体育综合平台過程裝備與控制工程研究所  教師
1994.9—1997.7  山東工業大學力學研究所固體力學方向  獲工學碩士學位
2002.2—2005.6   浙江大學化工機械研究所流體機械方向  獲工學博士學位
2013.12—2014.12  美國特拉華大學機械系訪問學者




過程流體機械内流分析及結構優化, 計算流、固體力學, 金屬材料腐蝕





(3)國家基金委山東聯合基金   U2006221,反滲透海水淡化裝置系統節能關鍵技術基礎研究,2021/01-2024/12,110萬,主持。









(12)煙台市“雙百計劃”藍色産業領軍人才團隊項目,智能化浮動式海上平台高壓注水泵關鍵技術研究   2020/09-2023/08,120萬,主持。




(1) Review on stress corrosion and corrosion fatigue failure of centrifugal compressor impeller[J]. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2015, 28(2): 217-225. (SCI)

(2) Experimental study on stress corrosion crack propagation rate of FV520B in carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide solution[J]. Results in physics, 2016, 6: 365-372. (SCI)

(3) Experimental study on the stress corrosion cracking behavior of AISI347 in acid chloride ion solution[J]. Results in physics, 2016, 6: 690-697. (SCI)

(4) Improving lattice Boltzmann simulation of moving particles in a viscous flow using local grid refinement[J]. Computers & Fluids, 2016, 136: 228-246. (SCI)

(5) Effects of temperature and pressure on stress corrosion cracking behavior of 310S stainless steel in chloride solution[J]. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2017, 30(1): 200-206. (SCI)

(6) A computational study on gas–liquid flow in a lime slurry pond equipped with a rotary jet mixing system[J]. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2017, 9(2): 1687814017690468. (SCI)

(7) Orthogonal experimental research on the structural parameters of a self-excited pulsed cavitation nozzle[J]. European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids, 2017, 65: 179-183. (SCI)

(8) Numerical investigation of multiphase flow in flue gas desulphurization system with rotary jet stirring[J]. Results in physics, 2017, 7: 1274-1282. (SCI)

(9) Numerical investigation on the prefabricated crack propagation of FV520B stainless steel[J]. Results in physics, 2017, 7: 3738-3743. (SCI)

(10) Experimental study on electrochemical corrosion of FV520B in natural gas environment[J]. Results in physics, 2017, 7: 4405-4411. (SCI)

(11) Analysis on the stress corrosion crack inception based on pit shape and size of the FV520B tensile specimen[J]. Results in Physics, 2018, 9: 463-470. (SCI)

(12) Experimental investigation on the stress corrosion cracking of FV520B welded joint in natural gas environment with ECP and SSRT[J]. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2018, 200: 166-174. (SCI)

(13) A review of CFD modelling studies on the flotation process[J]. Minerals Engineering, 2018, 127: 153-177. (SCI)

(14) Numerical investigation on the stress corrosion cracking of FV520B based on the cohesive zone model[J]. Results in Physics, 2019, 12: 118-123. (SCI)

(15) Study on different line gasoline blending with RJM via numerical investigation[J]. Results in Physics, 2019, 12: 1285-1290. (SCI)

(16) A lattice Boltzmann study of the collisions in a particle-bubble system under turbulent flows[J]. Powder Technology, 2020, 361: 759-768. (SCI)

(17) Experimental study on the frequency characteristics of self-excited pulsed cavitation jet[J]. European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids, 2020, 83: 66-72. (SCI)

(18) Experimental study on stress corrosion of X12Cr13 stainless steel in natural gas environment[J]. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2020, 9(3): 3064-3074. (SCI)

(19) A review on hydrodynamic cavitation disinfection: The current state of knowledge[J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 737: 139606. (SCI)

(20) Research on parameterization and optimization procedure of low-Reynolds-number airfoils based on genetic algorithm and Bezier curve[J]. Advances in Engineering Software, 2020, 149: 102864. (SCI)

(21) Particle-resolved direct numerical simulation of collisions of bidisperse inertial particles in a homogeneous isotropic turbulence[J]. Powder Technology, 2020, 376: 72-79. (SCI)

(22) Numerical investigation on distribution characteristics of oxidation air in a lime slurry desulfurization system with rotary jet agitators[J]. Chemical Engineering and Processing-Process Intensification, 2021, 163: 108372. (SCI)

(23) Disinfection characteristics of an advanced rotational hydrodynamic cavitation reactor in pilot scale[J]. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2021, 73: 105543. (SCI)

(24) Effect of the cavitation generation unit structure on the performance of an advanced hydrodynamic cavitation reactor for process intensifications[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 412: 128600. (SCI)

(25) Numerical study on the flow characteristics of centrifugal compressor impeller with crack damage[J]. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2021, 13(7): 16878140211034622. (SCI)

(26) A comparison of different methods for estimating turbulent dissipation rate in under-resolved flow fields from synthetic PIV images[J]. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2021, 175: 161-170. (SCI)

(27) Numerical investigation of ozone decomposition by self-excited oscillation cavitation jet[J]. Open Physics, 2022, 20(1): 94-105. (SCI)

(28) Experimental study of Taylor bubble flow in non-Newtonian liquid in a rectangular microchannel[J]. Chemical Engineering Science, 2022, 252: 117509. (SCI)

(29) The finite element modeling of the impacting process of hard particles on pump components[J]. Open Physics, 2022, 20(1): 596-608. (SCI)

(30) Numerical Study on Entropy Generation of the Multi-Stage Centrifugal Pump[J]. Entropy, 2022, 24(7): 923. (SCI)

(31) Numerical analysis of internal flow characteristics and energy consumption assessment in full flow field of multi-stage centrifugal pump considering clearance flow[J]. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2022, 14(9): 16878132221123423. (SCI)

(32) Theoretical and Numerical Research on Heat Transfer Mechanism and Temperature Characteristics of Electric Rotary Alumina Kiln[J]. Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, 2022, 14(12): 121002. (SCI)


(1) 一種旋轉射流混合器,201110268093.2

(2) 粉體氣力混合系統,201310078322.3

(3) 一種旋轉門用鞋底清潔裝置,2018 1 0764676.6

(4) 一種有機廢水超聲及水力空化聯合處理裝置,201910253868.5

(5) 一種通過油水混合制備調和潤滑油的水力空化裝置,201910253859.6

(6) 一種有機廢水三級水力空化處理系統,201910253854.3

(7) 一種低速狀态下微氣泡産生裝置,201910253856.2

(8) 一種水力空化式海水或苦鹹水的淡化裝置,201910253858.1

(9) 一種失活污泥降解水力空化裝置,201910641010.6

(10) 強化纖維素紙漿精煉生産的空化裝置,202011439434.3

(11) 耦合水力空化、聲空化與光催化的抗生素廢水處理裝置,202010757495.8

(12) 一種農藥廢水芬頓試劑與水力空化聯合處理系統,201910253866.6

(13) 基于渦激效應的一體化耦合壓電發電裝置,202011032434.1

(14) 空化于起泡一體化尾礦浮選裝置,202011439436.2

(15) 催化劑載體及微通道連續流反應器,202010066883.1

(16) 一種旋流梯度剪切流場石墨烯剝離裝置,201910253862.8


2001.10 邊界輪廓法理論及應用研究

山東省高校優秀科研成果三等獎 第二位,主要貢獻為斷裂力學邊界輪廓法的研究

2002.11 高速離心式氯氣壓縮機設計與工業化應用

浙江省科技進步二等獎 第一位

2015.09 攪拌與射流耦合誘發假塑性流體混沌混合特性研究

山東省高校優秀科研成果三等獎 第二位





上一條:王威強 下一條:劉燕


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