發布時間:2016-05-19 09:03:14    作者:    點擊:[]
姓名 王子然 性别


學曆 博士研究生 學位 博士
專業技術職務及任導師情況  研究員,博士研究生導師
所在一級學科名稱  機械工程
所在二級學科名稱  機械電子工程




長期擔任Sensors,Biomedical Microdevices等期刊審稿人





聯合培養博士:哥倫比亞大學 機械工程系




1. 柔性可穿戴電子器件在傳感檢測、醫療診斷等領域的研究

2. 基于二維材料場效應晶體管的生物傳感器在疾病診斷方向的研究

3. 微納結構、器件(MEMS)加工制造技術

4. 功能微納結構表面技術




[1] Wang Z., Hao Z., Yang C., et al. Ultrasensitive and Rapid Screening of Acute Myocardial Infarction Using 3D-Affinity Graphene Biosensor. Cell Reports Physical Seience. 2022, 100855. (IF: 7.832)

[2] Wang Z., Hao Z., Wang X., et al. A Flexible and Regenerative Aptameric Graphene–Nafion Biosensor for Cytokine Storm Biomarker Monitoring in Undiluted Biofluids toward Wearable Applications [J]. Advanced Functional Materi als, 2021, 31 (4): 2005958. (IF:19.924,封面文章,JCR一區)

[3] Wang Z., Hao Z., Yu S., et al. An Ultraflexible and Stretchable Aptameric Graphene Nanosensor for Biomarker Detection and Monitoring[J]. Advanced Functional Materials, 2019, 29 (44):1905202. (IF:19.924, JCR一區)

[4] Wang Z., Hao Z., Yu S., et al. A Wearable and Deformable Graphene-Based Affinity Nanosensor for Monitoring of Cytokines in Biofluids[J]. Nanomaterials, 2020, 10 (8): 1503. (IF:5.719,JCR一區)

[5] Wang Z., Dai W., Yu S., et al. Towards Detection of Biomarkers in the Eye Using an Aptamer-Based Graphene Affinity Nanobiosensor. Talanta, 2022, 250, 123697. (IF:6.556,JCR一區)

[6] Hao Z., Wang Z., Qi T., et al. A Wearable Graphene-based Biosensor for Noninvasive Monitoring of Lactic in Sweat. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 審稿中,2022. (共同一作)

[7] Wang Z., Hao Z., Zhao X., et al. A Mechanically Flexible Aptamer-Based Graphene Nanosensor for Biomark Monitoring[C]. 2019 20th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems & Eurosen sors XXXIII (TRANSDUCERS & EUROSENSORS XXXIII). 2019, pp. 2428-2431. (EI)

[8] Li F., Wang Z., Huang S., et al. Flexible, Durable, and Unconditioned Superoleophobic/Superhydrophilic Surfaces for Controllable Transport and Oil–Water Separation. Advanced Functional Materials, 2018, 28(20): 1706867. (IF:19.924,封面文章,JCR一區)

[9] Hao Z., Wang Z., Li Y., et al. Measurement of cytokine biomarkers using an aptamer-based affinity graphene nano sensor on a flexible substrate toward wearable applications. Nanoscale, 2018, 10(28): 21681-21688. (IF:7.79,JCR一區)

[10] Li F., Wang Z., Pan Y., Zhao X. et al. A Facile and Effective Method to Fabricate Superhydrophobic/Superoeophilic Surface for the Separation of Both Water/Oil Mixtures and Water-in-Oil Emulsions. Polymers, 2018, 9(11), 563. (IF:4.43,JCR一區)

[11] Huang C., Hao Z., Wang Z., et al. AA fully integrated graphene-polymer field-effect transistor biosensing device for on-site detection of glucose in human urine. Materials Today Chemistry, 2022, 23, 100635. (IF:8.301,JCR一區)

[12] Hao Z., Luo Y. Huang C., Wang Z. et al. An Intelligent Graphene‐Based Biosensing Device for Cytokine Storm Syndrome Biomarkers Detection in Human Biofluids. Small, 2021, 17 (29): 21011508. (IF:13.281,JCR一區)

[13] Hao Z., Pan Y.*, Huang C., Wang Z. et al. Modulating the linker immobilization density on aptameric graphene field effect transistors using an electric field. ACS sensors, 2020, 5 (8): 2503-2513. 8. (IF:7.711,封面文章,JCR 一區)

[14] Hao Z., Pan Y.*, Huang C., Wang Z., & Zhao X. Sensitive detection of lung cancer biomarkers using an aptameric graphene-based electrochemical nanosensor with enhanced stability. Biomedical Microdevices, 2019, 21 (3):65. (IF:2.838,JCR三區)




郵箱:wangziran @sdu.edu.cn;



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